Thursday, July 3, 2008

Waterboarding Is Torture

Here is an interesting article presenting the "interrogation" technique as nothing more than unspeakable torture. The article raises profound questions: what constitutes as torture? And if waterboarding isn't sufficient, what are we willing to do afterward? How far are we willing to go?

Unfortunately there are many on the "religious right" that find no quarrels with this sort of method of "interrogation", even Catholics. But isn't torture just as non-negotiable as, say, abortion and genocide? I believe, in accord with my Catholic faith, that it is a profound disrespect and violation of human dignity. If we are going to call ourselves "pro-life," we can't do so credibly while not speaking out against torture. We must affirm the inviolable continuum of human dignity from concepton to natural death.

Read the article Believe Me, It's Torture


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