Saturday, July 12, 2008

Pro-life Democrats at the Democratic National Convention

From the website of the Democrats for Life of America:

We Met Our Goal!
DFLA Raised $15,000

Democrats For Life of America is proud to announce that with the immense generosity and help of all our pro-life members and supporters we were able to meet our goal of raising $15,000 for the month of June! With this fund, DFLA will be able to ensure that our three events at the Democratic Convention are huge successes! Look for your invitations in the mail shortly and we hope you all can participate in what will surely be an exciting few days!

DFLA extends our deepest appreciation to all of our members for their continued support of our organization and the pro-life community!

For the efforts and unity of pro-life Democrats, Mary, mother of grace, mother of mercy, shield us from the enemy and receive us at the hour of our death. Amen.


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