Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Seeds for Overturning Roe v. Wade

The Democrats for Life of America have brought an interesting story to my attention—one that involves a legal initiative that the pro-life organization fully endorses. In Colorado, a group called Colorado for Equal Rights have achieved a ballot initiative that will be up for a vote this November to define personhood as including human life from the moment of fertilization, which if passed would gain legal rights and protection as people for unborn babies in the state of Colorado; thus, abortion would be completely and absolutely illegal in that state.

While I do not support on principle the idea of democratically deciding by measure of a vote what personhood is or what human rights we have because while we can affirm good, wonderful things, it also sets the precedence for voting away human rights via a democratic vote. But in this case, I don’t think the measure in and of itself is the goal.

In fact, with the state of the U.S. Supreme Court as 5 pro-choice Justices to 4 pro-life Justices with the next President being poised to replace one or two of the pro-choice Justices, this does not seem at all surprising in an election year.

Colorado Right to Life says that “the goal is to restore legal protection to preborn babies…which is the only way we’re going to stop abortion.”

But the measure does not end in Colorado...

“Critics say the aim is not just to outlaw abortion in Colorado but ultimately to overturn Roe v. Wade by igniting a court battle that would bring the issue to the U.S. Supreme Court, where, proponents of the measure hope, a conservative majority would strike down the 1973 decision that legalized abortion nationwide.”

Precisely. I hope they are right. How is this not a leading election issue? John McCain needs to be elected, he needs to not consult with any of his pro-choice friends on who to appoint to the Court, wipe the smut that is abortion from future pages of the American legal system, and open the door for us to not mourn on January 22nd, but to celebrate with joy on whatever sacred day the U.S. Supreme Court reaffirms the most inviolable of human rights: the right to life.

Read the whole story here.

For this holy cause and the souls of the unborn destroyed by the horror of abortion, Mary, mother of grace, mother of mercy, shield us from the enemy and receive us at the hour of our death. Amen.


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