Sunday, July 13, 2008

Bush Considers Increasing Pace of Iraq Pullout

The progress on the ground in Iraq might have a greater effect on the November elections that originally expected, even just days ago with the announcement that we can anticipate the withdrawal of troops by mid-2009 regardless of who is the president next year.

Well, according to the latest news, President Bush may begin withdrawing some troops from Iraq as early as this September (good political strategy) and the “political benefit might go more to Mr. McCain than Mr. Obama. Mr. McCain is an avid supporter of the current strategy in Iraq. Any reduction would indicate that that strategy has worked and could defuse antiwar sentiment among voters.”

With Obama shifting to the center on this issue and "refining" his earlier committment to immediately withdraw troops, it would be interesting to see how it would effect voter sentiment, particularly the Catholic Left should the war in Iraq have the same general direction regardless of whom you vote for.


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