Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Lifelong Muslim Enters The Catholic Church

The 2008 Easter Vigil marked my first full year as a Roman Catholic. The Vigil Mass is special to all of us. It is the celebration of the Passover of the Lord Jesus. A story that caught a lot of attention was the Christian initiation of a Muslim journalist, Magdi Allam, who was baptized and confirmed by the Holy Father on Holy Saturday and welcomed to the Eucharistic feast of the Lord. I found the article to be a fascinating read, inspiring, and a call to be more conscientious and loving in our religiously pluralistic world.

Magdi Allam Recounts His Path to Conversion


This Catholic Loves Benedict XVI

This Catholic Loves Benedict XVI

Knights of Columbus: Champions for the Family

Knights of Columbus: Champions for the Family

The Pro-Life Movement in the Democratic Party

The Pro-Life Movement in the Democratic Party