Friday, May 23, 2008

The Clinton/Obama War For The Democratic Nomination

I found this blogpost to be very interesting:

"Clinton has had to fight through a number of handicaps in this race. She has had to carry more weight, placed on her back by the news media, Obama's bullying tactics and party elders who seem more worried about damaging the "brand", and blowing their chances in the fall than who is the best candidate. And when Obama's lead was growing they were more worried about exposing the cracks in the Obama kewpie doll, than whether those cracks were so damaging they made him unelectable in November. The result is that every time Obama has attacked Clinton and she has hit back, she was criticized from all sides.

"The news media who has been in the tank for Obama in probably the most dishonest and biased coverage of an electoral process in history, accuses her of low tactics if she defends herself. Party elders who, if nothing else, have shown since 1996 they haven't a clue how to win a Presidential election, admonish her not to do anything that would damage the Democrats chances in the fall. Howard Dean, more afraid of not losing than making sure the Democrats win by sending out the most electable and qualified candidate, keeps talking about putting an end to race before its over. And Obama seeing that Clinton has one hand tied behind her back, has taken full advantage, taking his swings when he can, then playing victim if Clinton hits back.

...Clinton is virtually assured that she will end the primary season with the popular vote lead. And the only clear and reliable indicator of the true will of the people is the popular vote, not the delegate count given the Democrats bizarre way of apportioning delegates.

"Obama will have won close to 630 delegates in states where he was landslided by Clinton. These are delegates he would never have if the Democrats used the system that is used by the Republicans and in the general election. In that system Clinton would have close to a 500 delegate lead and would have wrapped up the nomination long ago."

Read more here.

My Comments: I think this hits it right on. Clinton through her struggles has become the better candidate over Obama. Morally speaking, she is the better candidate (she didn't vote 'yes' on killing babies that survived abortions like Obama did). If I had to choose one, it would be her. Moreover, she has overcome so many hurdles in this election process that I have developed a deep respect for her. She has had overcome so many unfair odds, she has fought back, and she is still standing.

What's more important is the ridiculous allocation of delegates. In several states, where she won, she also picked up less delegates, e.g. New Hampshire. The Democrats truly need to revise how they allocate delegates because even with the media coverage favoring Obama, etc, I think Hillary could have (and should have) won this thing long ago.


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