Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Gospel and Extraterrestrial Life

In a recent interview, the Director of the Vatican's Observatory, Fr. José Gabriel Funes said in an recent interview that belief in extraterrestrial life is not opposed to Christianity. It is an interesting subject to contemplate; in fact, C.S. Lewis took the same position.

If in fact, there is intelligent life in the universe, even if their technology and knowledge surpassed ours, their dignity could not. As rational creatures, such beings, would obviously have free will and there is no higher dignity in this universe—free, rational agents—because to have such a mode of existence is to be made in the image and likeness of God.

Therefore, if there are such creatures, we can be confident that they are images of God just as we are and that the mercy of God extends to all of His creation.

Believing in aliens not opposed to Christianity, Vatican’s top astronomer says


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