Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Honoring the Legacy of John Paul II

Ron Paul, in my opinion, has some views that are pretty "out there." I think many of his libertarian views are idealistic and unpractical, while some others I actually would agree with or am willing to compromise on. In fact, when he says, Pope John Paul II understood "both social and economic liberties" are necessary for human flourishing, you would think the Pope was a libertarian (Nice try Ron Paul).

Despite this, the speech, in which he gave in honor of the late Pope John Paul II, Dr. Paul articulates the relationship of faith and politics beautifully. Human flourishing requires that governing powers recognize the dignity and intrinsic worth of all human life from conception to natural death. This is a cause that John Paul II championed during his Pontificate and he is certainly worthy of the honor rightly bestowed upon him.

Read Ron Paul's speech
Theology not Politics delivered on April 12, 2005.


This Catholic Loves Benedict XVI

This Catholic Loves Benedict XVI

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