Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A False Apostle in Texas?

According to the news, a man named Martin Davila Gandara is claiming apostolic succession by posing as a Catholic bishop. Bishop Farrell of Dallas, Texas has warned the faithful in the diocese of the false bishop who is charging people money to receive the sacraments. Allegedly, the false bishop has been performing baptisms for fees between $100 and $200 in hotels.

I’m not sure how Catholics were fooled into believing a legitimate Bishop would ask them for money to receive sacramental ministry nor why they weren’t suspicious that he was not operating inside churches. I think a healthy level of prudence and skepticism wouldn't hurt. Despite this, I pray that this man is brought to justice for misleading people, selling the spiritual services (baptizing infants) of the Catholic Church for profit, and identifying himself as a bishop when he is not to get over on people. Even more so, I pray for his immortal soul.

1 Comment:

Geewiz387 said...

Fortunately for us if the Justice system here doesn't stop him, GOD will. This is really a shame. People like him are the reason sinners do not want to become Christians.

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