Saturday, August 16, 2008

Adult Entertainment Expo 2008...Come Again?

I didn't know such a thing existed until just now...

There is a convention for the adult film industry that I just currently ran across on television. Videos, sexual toys, and a host of things are sold for consumer "satisfaction." Porn stars sign autographs and meet their fans, better known as pornography addicts. Porn films are recognized for their style and content (as if it is artistic expression), given awards and so are the "actors" who star in them.

There are even interviews with some of the adult "actors." I watched one (it was brief) with a woman discussing how she got into the porn industry. It all broke my heart. These people were all addicted to sexual pleasure and nothing more and the industry had no problem exploiting them for profit.

That's all I could allow myself to watch.

I pray for America because she is being led to ruin...


This Catholic Loves Benedict XVI

This Catholic Loves Benedict XVI

Knights of Columbus: Champions for the Family

Knights of Columbus: Champions for the Family

The Pro-Life Movement in the Democratic Party

The Pro-Life Movement in the Democratic Party