Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hillary Clinton: The "Disloyal" Democrat

Some of my devout Democrat friends have been criticizing Hillary Clinton lately for her "disloyalty." Supposedly, she has been "advocating" John McCain over Barack Obama. They cite for their evidence that a now 56% of Hillary Clinton supporters in North Carolina say they won't support Obama if he wins the nomination. This is 11% more than just last month. North Carolina is the next big primary and Obama has a tremendous lead over Clinton.

But it's not just that, in the news and in debates, she often mocks Obama for his lack of experience and idealistic nature. She makes it appear as if he is "not capable" to be president and this allows independent voters to be won over by McCain.

What's the point? I agree with her. He is running on the word change while millions of American translate that one word millions of different ways. He says that he will bring about change that we can believe in but who believes in his claim that he will achieve universal healthcare in his first term? He preaches an audacity of hope. But doesn't he have to? He has only been in the United States Senate for two years and he has the audacity to run for president?

Many of my friends who are Democrats unfortunately support Barack Obama. I voted for Hillary Clinton in the Texas Primary. Actually, I voted against Barack Obama not so much for Hillary Clinton. Luckily, she won Texas, Ohio, and Rhode Island to save her election bid. Hopefully she will in Pennsylvania tonight and show the Democrats that Obama is not the answer. She won Florida (everyone's names were on the ballot and Obama ran TV-ads), she won Ohio, she's leading in Pennsylvania. She can carry swing states.

But how despite her not so appealing personality has Mrs. Clinton kept herself in the primary so long? I have uncovered it (and it is amusing).

The Sen. McCain/Sen. Clinton Ad


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